The Fence Technique

bone augmentation, bone reconstruction, fence technique
Articolo precedente
3D Bone Reconstruction using the Fence Technique Procedure
Articolo successivo
Lateral Sinus Floor Elevation in the Severely Atrophied Maxilla: Concentrated Growth Factors Versus Bone Substitutes. A Controlled Clinical Trial

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Vertical ridge augmentation with autogenous bone grafts: resorbable barriers supported by ostheosynthesis plates versus titanium-reinforced barriers. A preliminary report of a blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2007 May-Jun;22(3):373-82. Vertical ridge augmentation with autogenous bone grafts: resorbable barriers supported by ostheosynthesis plates versus titanium-reinforced barriers. A preliminary report of a blinded, randomized…