bone augmentation

Lateral bone augmentation applying different biomaterials.

Original study – ZZI 01/2013 Lateral bone augmentation applying different biomaterials M. Merli1, M. Moscatelli1, A. Mazzoni2, M. Merli1, G. Mariotti1, M. Nieri3 A clinical and histological evaluation of a case report Introduction: This paper describes the treatment of horizontal osseous defects around implants in a one-stage split-mouth approach in a middle-aged female patient. Method…

Vertical ridge augmentation with autogenous bone grafts 3 years after loading: resorbable barriers versus titanium-reinforced barriers. A randomized controlled clinical trial.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2010 Jul-Aug;25(4):801-7. Vertical ridge augmentation with autogenous bone grafts 3 years after loading: resorbable barriers versus titanium-reinforced barriers. A randomized controlled clinical trial. Merli M, Lombardini F, Esposito M. Source Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Manchester, United Kingdom. Abstract PURPOSE: To compare the efficacy of two…

Vertical ridge augmentation with autogenous bone grafts: resorbable barriers supported by ostheosynthesis plates versus titanium-reinforced barriers. A preliminary report of a blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2007 May-Jun;22(3):373-82. Vertical ridge augmentation with autogenous bone grafts: resorbable barriers supported by ostheosynthesis plates versus titanium-reinforced barriers. A preliminary report of a blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial. Merli M, Migani M, Esposito M. Source School of Dentistry, University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Associated Professor, Department of Biomaterials, The Sahlgrenska…