Periosteoplasty for soft tissue closure and augmentation in preprosthetic surgery: a surgical report.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2001 Nov-Dec;16(6):851-6.

Periosteoplasty for soft tissue closure and augmentation in preprosthetic surgery: a surgical report.


Center for Maxillofacial Surgery, Pyramide Clinic, Zürich, Switzerland.


Soft tissue closure is a critical factor in preprosthetic surgery and implant placement. In large transverse or vertical bone augmentations, there is often insufficient or very thin mucosa available. Soft tissue dehiscences and bone or implant exposure may result. Based on the application of a periosteal flap, the presented method solves this problem. The flap is prepared in the neighboring area and folded into the corresponding surgical area. It not only provides good soft tissue coverage but also results in soft tissue augmentation. Periosteoplasty has been successfully applied in over 60 patients over the last 2 years.

PMID: 11769836 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
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