Peri-implant bleeding on probing: a cross-sectional multilevel analysis of associated factors


Clin Oral Impl Res 0, 2017 / 1–5

Peri-implant bleeding on probing: a cross-sectional multilevel analysis of associated factors.

Mauro Merli, Francesco Bernardelli, Erica Giulianelli, Ivano Toselli, Giorgia Mariotti, Michele Nieri



The objective was to evaluate the association between peri-implant bleeding on probing (BoP) and probing depth. Other factors regarding patients, implants, and sites were taken into consideration.


Consecutive adult patients with ≥1 dental implant were eligible. Two calibrated operators examined the patients. BoP was the outcome variable. The effects of patient, implant and site factors on BoP were assessed using a 3-level logistic model.


Fifty-two patients for a total of 92 implants and 552 sites were included in the analysis. The BoP was observed in 217 sites (39%). The odds ratio increased by 1.81 (95% CI from 1.47 to 2.23; P < 0.0001) for each 1 mm increment in probing pocket depth. A significant higher risk was observed also for interproximal vs. approximal surfaces (OR = 1.55; 95% CI from 1.02 to 2.36;
P = 0.0402).


Peri-implant bleeding was associated with site-specific factors.

diagnosis, implant prosthesis, peri-implantitis
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