Palatal implant anchorage for orthodontic movement: preliminary results with standard Brånemark implants.


Palatal implant anchorage for orthodontic movement: preliminary results with standard Brånemark implants.


The aim of this report was to illustrate the preliminary results using standard dental implants as palatal anchorage for orthodontic movement in children and adults. Three teenagers and one adult received six conventional Brånemark dental implants (6 to 7 mm long) in their palates. The planned therapeutic goals were achieved in every case; however, around two implants, mucosal hyperplasia developed. In one case the hyperplasia was noticed in conjunction with a loosened abutment. The use of conventional dental implants in palatal locations may provide good results, but the efficacy and potential advantages of this treatment must be evaluated in properly designed clinical trials.

PMID: 17370661 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
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