Fence technique: guided bone regeneration for extensive three-dimensional augmentation.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2013 Mar-Apr;33(2):129-36. doi: 10.11607/prd.1175.

Fence technique: guided bone regeneration for extensive threedimensional augmentation.


This report describes a novel bone reconstructive technique based on guided bone regeneration for extensive threedimensional hard tissue augmentation. This two-stage technique utilizes bioresorbable osteosynthesis plates, pins, and collagen membranes that form a physical barrier resembling a fence, which contains the bone graft biomaterials composed of a combination of deproteinized bovine bone matrix and autologous bone grafted from intraoral sites. This technique can result in significant bone regeneration with minimal patient discomfort. Four case reports are presented. Histologic analysis of specimens shows the presence of mature bone. This procedure yields favorable results for bone formation, implant placement, and patient satisfaction.

PMID: 23484167 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
bone augmentation, fence technique
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