Segmental distraction osteogenesis of the anterior mandible for improving facial esthetics.

World J Orthod. 2007 Spring;8(1):19-29. Segmental distraction osteogenesis of the anterior mandible for improving facial esthetics. Preliminary results. Merli M, Merli M, Triaca A, Esposito M. Source Center for Maxillofacial Surgery, Pyramide Clinic, Zurich, Switzerland. Abstract AIM: To report preliminary results of treatment with gradual repositioning of the anterior mandibular segment using distraction osteogenesis in…

Vertical ridge augmentation with autogenous bone grafts: resorbable barriers supported by ostheosynthesis plates versus titanium-reinforced barriers. A preliminary report of a blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2007 May-Jun;22(3):373-82. Vertical ridge augmentation with autogenous bone grafts: resorbable barriers supported by ostheosynthesis plates versus titanium-reinforced barriers. A preliminary report of a blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial. Merli M, Migani M, Esposito M. Source School of Dentistry, University of Manchester, United Kingdom; Associated Professor, Department of Biomaterials, The Sahlgrenska…

Palatal implant anchorage for orthodontic movement: preliminary results with standard Brånemark implants.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2007 Feb;27(1):43-9. Palatal implant anchorage for orthodontic movement: preliminary results with standard Brånemark implants. Merli M, Merli M, Merli A, Esposito M. Abstract The aim of this report was to illustrate the preliminary results using standard dental implants as palatal anchorage for orthodontic movement in children and adults. Three teenagers…