A Novel Approach to Bone Reconstruction: The Wafer Technique.

Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017 May/Jun;37(3):317-325. doi: 10.11607/prd.3055.

A Novel Approach to Bone Reconstruction: The Wafer Technique.


This study presents a novel technique based on guided bone regeneration and onlay grafts for three-dimensional bone augmentation. This two-stage technique uses an autogenous cortical bone plate and collagen membranes to form a barrier containing a mixture of deproteinized bovine bone matrix, autologous blood, and bone grafted from intraoral sites. Five patients were treated. At 6 months postsurgery, a mean increase in bone volume of 1,062 mm³ was shown. Mean maximum linear augmentation was 3.65 mm. Histologic analysis of the regenerated areas revealed the presence of compact newly formed bone with no sign of inflammation. A total of 13 implants were placed. The patients were satisfied, and complications were not observed.

PMID: 28402341
bone augmentation, bone reconstruction, implant, membranes, wafer technique
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